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Antares, the daughter and hereditary genius of a mathematician who disappeared shortly after her birth, finds a box with her name on it in her father's office.

She decides to find out what is hidden in this box at all costs. Could this be something that can help her solve the mystery of her father's disappearance?


It takes Antares some time, the help of a childhood friend, and a piece of technology from the past to decipher her father's data. Luckily enough, she has studied his work for many years.

The decryption process launches the artificial intelligence – the AI, which shows Antares what the world could become, and how much it would change if no intervention is taken.

Antares has not yet found out what happened to her father, but she realizes that this project can save the world from imminent death, it is just necessary to follow the solutions provided by the algorithm and change the course of events.

Antares uses the AI to create a virtual copy of the planet in order to train the AI in simulations and find the necessary solutions to prevent disasters and save the world.

Antares decides to take a risk and save the planet – to become the first hero who, with the help of the AI, will be able to change the future. Her childhood friend finds out about this. The AI re-creates their virtual bodies – avatars, with the help of which they will have to go through simulations and find suitable solutions in a variety of situations.

Together they launch a virtual copy of the world to find out what awaits them in their first simulation. Provided that measures are taken in a timely manner, it is possible to save the planet from the forthcoming chaos.

The heroes have to assemble a team of like-minded people in order to complete all the simulations as soon as possible and prevent the inevitable.

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